Join Dave and Sven, the creators of the Swift Package Index open-source project, as they talk about progress on the project and discuss a new set of community package recommendations every episode.
Latest Episodes
48: It’s not just CGPaths all the way down?
Join us as we talk about the CocoaPods maintenance plans and Swift macro expansions in Visual Studio Code, as well as hear our regular package recommendations.NewsCoco...
47: There are no open-source license police
Join us as we discuss the latest Ready for Swift 6 results, and how we represent them on the site. We also chat about Open Source Software funding, homomorphic encrypt...
46: A concept born and explored in recent decades
Join us as we talk about our build system move to an Orka cluster consisting of 8 Mac Studios, our ongoing "Ready for Swift 6" project, to get an update on documentati...
45: Lies, damned lies, and statistics
This week we talk about WWDC, our Ready for Swift 6 project that tracks data race safety errors across the whole package ecosystem, the Swift 6 migration guide, and mo...
44: Does Swift run on gut bacteria yet?
This week we follow up on Swift 6 news, talk about Swift in unusual places, performance benchmarks, give a sneak peek at our new Mac build infrastructure, and of cours...