32: Which of your dependencies are load-bearing?

Do we understand how to add a package dependency after three years of creating the package index? No, we do not! We also discuss adding macro targets to Package pages, GitHub’s CodeQL analysis for Swift, and automating updating our package dependencies. Of course, we have six new package recommendations too!

Follow up
  • "Use this Package" showing an incorrect package name/identity – Issue 2451

Creators and Guests

Dave Verwer
Dave Verwer
Independent iOS developer, technical writer, author of @iOSDevWeekly, and creator of @SwiftPackages. He/him.
Sven A. Schmidt
Sven A. Schmidt
Physicist & techie. CERN alumnus. Co-creator @SwiftPackages. Hummingbird app: https://t.co/2S9Y4ln53I
32: Which of your dependencies are load-bearing?
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