34: Here are some packages. They may do interesting things
What even is a recommendation? Join Dave and Sven as they talk about the tricky business of recommending, endorsing, or showcasing packages before diving into a review of dependencies in other package ecosystems, and how the Swift package ecosystem compares. Then we showcase some packages, as usual!
- swift-macro-testing by Pointfree
- swift-snapshot-testing by Pointfree
- CloudKitSyncMonitor by Grant Grueninger
- Lighter by Helge Heß
Creators and Guests
Dave Verwer
Independent iOS developer, technical writer, author of @iOSDevWeekly, and creator of @SwiftPackages. He/him.
Sven A. Schmidt
Physicist & techie. CERN alumnus. Co-creator @SwiftPackages. Hummingbird app: https://t.co/2S9Y4ln53I